Who We Are

A Team For Impact

Andean Community Partners are a group of individuals who have come together over a shared commitment to help support Huilloc community health and well-being. Our group includes volunteer business and healthcare professionals in the US supporting a Community Coordinator and three Community Liaisons in the Huilloc Community. The folks we work with in Peru are our family and we are part of their family.

The Team In Peru

  • John Rondan Auccapuma - Community Coordinator

    We have worked with John, a Community Coordinator, right from the start. John works directly with Huilloc Village elders, leadership, school and 3 Community Liaisons to understand community needs and to guide and manage implementation of ACP efforts in the community. This work includes:

    Monthly visits to Huilloc village, meeting with parents, village elders, the mayor and the school principal.

    Connecting community members in need with the necessary forms and information to receive medical attention in the regional hospitals/ clinics.

    Manage implementation of all ACP programs in the community.

  • Community Liaisons

    Martha Laucata Quispe, Lourdes Laucata Melo and Rosario Yupanki Laucata are mothers and leaders in the Huilloc Community. All three work with Huilloc families to help us better understand the needs of the community. The Liaisons also help coordinate and lead listening sessions with women and with school parents. Working directly with the Community Coordinator they ensure that programs are implemented.

These folks are with us from the moment we step off the plane through our entire mission.

  • Leoncio "Leo" Monteagudo Usca

    Leo was part of our very first clinic trip to the Huilloc and has become our jack-of-all-trades. Leo is part translator, part community liaison and part cook, in fact he prepares all of our meals in while in the Huilloc.

  • Jany Segovia Medina

    We met Jany as a travel guide during one of our first missions. Since that time she has come to be so much more. Jany coordinates all of our Quechua-Spanish-English translators and is a cultural translator as well. Jany has become a linchpin for the success of our annual medical and dental missions.

  • Odon Medina Caslin

    Odon plans and manages all of the logistics for our annual medical and dental missions in the Huilloc. Odon also serves as our primary guide (travel and cultural both) during our adventures outside the Huilloc. More than all of that Odon IS Peru to us.

  • Marco Bustamante

    Marco is the founder and President of Peruvian Odyssey in Tipon. Marco and his team plan and manage all of our travel and hospitality while we are in Peru each year. Marco is also one of the founders of Andean Community Partners and it was Marco who connected ACP with the Huilloc Community.

ACP Board of Directors

  • Joe Harrington


  • Doug Tate, MD


  • Diane Harrington, MD


  • Jenifer Anhorn


  • Professor Jay Demas


  • Peg Duenow


  • Stefan Kramarczuk, MD